Thai Food Recipes

There is a lot Thai Food recipes here for anyone who love and interest in Thai Food. We present information about Thai Food Recipes, cooking method and you can learn how to cook Thai Food by browse many Thai Food recipes from different category.

Is Thai Food hard to cook? No, Thai Food is easy to cook and fast to cook. You can cook Thai Food even you are novice because most of Thai Food recipes in this blog are home-made style that is easy to cook.

Since, Thai Food are adaptable depend on what you want. So all Thai Food recipe should be only a guideline. It’s not fixed you must use specified ingredient and cook step by step. You can change any ingredient and cooking to suit your taste. It may be hard to change ingredient and cooking method for beginner, but when you have experience with it, you will find it’s easy to cook what you want.

There are many variety of Thai Food because each Thai region has different food. Even each food still has different type depend on ingredient and cooking method such as there is many Phad Kra Prao i.e. Phad Kra Prao Moo (pork), Phad Kra Prao Kai (Chicken) and Phad Kra Prao Kung (shrimp). Since Thai food recipes are adaptable, if you want food for health, you just pick vegetable, meat, herb and source that good for health as ingredient and cook them; you get food for health to have. If you want food for weight control, just use vegetable and meat that provide low calories as ingredient and cook them; you get weight control food to have.

Thai Food can be divided into many categories with different type. Such as:
- divide by region. Since Thailand has 4 regions, therefore, there are 4 categories.
- divide by cooking method. Thai Food cooked by several methods, soup, frying, salad, spicy mixture.
- divide by benefit. Two main benefits of Thai Food are Thai Food for health and Weight Control Thai Food. So there are 2 categories.

We can also combine several Thai Food recipes into one group, which called “Thai Food Set Menu”. Thai Food Set Menu usually has 2 – 4 types of food as component.

Note: Most of Thai Food must be served with rice.

Thai Food Recipe in this blog will divide to 3 main categories, namely:
1. Thai Food Menu.
2. Thai Food Set Menu. Set Menu is a food that contains two or more types of food.
3. One Dish Food. This type of food isn’t served with rice because it already has rice as ingredient (such as Kaow Phad Kra Prao) or has something similar to rice such as noodle (both of them provide carbohydrate) as ingredient (such as Phad Thai). So it still provides all nutrition value.

Each of Thai Food Menu category and Thai Food Set Menu category will have 2 sub-categories namely;
1. Thai Food for Health. These Thai Food recipes provide health benefit.
2. Weight Control Thai Food. These Thai Food recipes provide weight control and weight loss benefit.

Visit Thai Food Menu for Health by Click => Thai Food Menu for Health
Visit Weight Control Thai Food by Click => Weight Control Thai Food
Visit Thai Food Set Menu for Health by Click=> Thai Food Set Menu for Health
Visit Weight Control Thai Food Set Menu by Click=> Weight Control Thai Food Set Menu
Visit One Dish Food by click=> One Dish Food
