Thai Food Calories Information

This is information about how many calories in Thai Food and Thai Food nutritional information or Thai Food nutritional Facts.

Amount of Calories in Thai Food can be varies depend on each food. Thai Food Menu, which its main ingredient is meat and One Dish Food usually has high calories because it provides a lot of Protein, Carbohydrate and fat that is main source of calories. Thai Food menu, which its main ingredient is vegetable and spices, provides low calories, but it provides a lot of minerals, vitamins and fibers instead.

Calories in Thai Food and Thai Food nutritional information or Thai Food Nutrition Facts (in this blog) will be divided into 3 groups.

1. One Dish Food.
2. Thai Food Menu (must be served with rice). There is no information about how many calories and nutritional information (nutrition facts) rice has. It will display only calories and nutrition information of that food.
3. Thai Food Set Menu. Thai Food Set Menu has more than one food in component. It will display information about that set menu, not each food.

One Dish Food

Phad Thai

Kaow Phad Kra Prao

Phad Mee Ka Ti

Phad Kee Mao

Kaow Neaw Dum Peak Peuk

Thai Food Menu

Sai Oua

Moo Satay

Kaeng Kari Kai

Phad Kra Prao Moo

Phad Kra Prao Yod Maprao Kai

Kaeng Choed Fug Toon Hed Hom

Phad Pak Nammun Nga

Mara Toon Hed Hom

Phad Kui Chay Kung

Phad Hed Sam Si

Phad Pak Kanah Nammunhoi

Yum Neua

Thai Food Set Menu

Kaeng Khiao Wan Kai Set

Kaeng Phed Ped Yang Set

Som Tum Tai Set

Num Phrik Long Rua Set

Num Phrik Kung Sod

Kaeng Liang Set

Tom Yum Kung Set

Kaeng Choed Fug Kai Set

Tao Hu Song Krung Set

Satu Tao Hu Set

Pla Kra Pong Phrik Thai Dum Set

Tom Yum Pla Chawn Set

Nam Prik Ong Set

Kaeng Leung Pla-Tu Sod Set

Kaeng Choed Tang Gva Yad Sai Set
